Questions & Answers

Here Are The Most Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Get Advice or Solutions? 

It really depends on how fast you can provide financial statements and then how accurate and/or complete they are.

How Much Does It Cost? 

We will discuss that after our call or meeting. We want to make sure it makes sense and is affordable before we talk about the cost.  

What's Required of me?

Great question. You'll need to have an open mind and also ensure that the action steps recommended are carried out to completion. 

Do You Provide Bookkeeping/ Accounting Services?  

No. We stick only to finding solutions and set forward-looking goals.  

How Much Time Will It Take Each Month? 

Once we get one month into it, it shouldn't take you more than 4 hours a month of your time or attention.

What Is The Objective Here? 

Simple:  You'll learn how to own a machine that cranks out cash so that you can live the life you want, enjoy more freedom and not be a slave to a job that owns you .